Christina Cole CPed, C.O.A., CFo


Certified Orthotic Assistant, Orthotic Fitter, & Pedorthist


  • Madison Heights – 1100 W. 13 Mile Rd.

Chrissy received an associate degree in applied science from Oakland Community College. Through this program, she was first introduced to biomechanics. From there her interest grew in the field of orthotics, particularly how specific devices are used to assist patient’s in their daily lives and she became a Certified Orthotic Assistant in 2012, a Certified Fitter of Orthotics in 2014 and a Certified Pedorthist in 2015. Chrissy says, “I have become fascinated the more I’ve learned about Orthotics and Prosthetics.” She likes working with her hands, helping people achieve a better lifestyle and being part of an exciting, fast paced field. As an O & P Assistant, she feels that she has the best of both worlds. Chrissy has extensive hand skill in addition to providing patient care. Chrissy uses her extensive technical experience in fabricating and modifying devices to improve outcomes for patients of all ages.